Some things are worth a long wait…

And this post is NOT one of them!

I know I’ve made you wait a while, but my life has been filled to the max! The only reason I can write a post right now is that I hurt my back spreading mulch on Sunday, and my parents can’t find a use for me. (Just kidding, but I am bored out of my mind!)


I am very excited for Youth Camp 2009! Especially since this year I invited a friend from the Equestrian team, and she’s coming! In fact, she’s not only coming, but as excited as I am! She may come to some of our E-Team events as well. I am just about to jump out of my skin! It is so exciting. Some of the other members my attend as well. I can’t wait!


Our  memory verse club is doing very well, and we all enjoy it. We now not only memorize our verses and recite them to the “Club”, but when we are done we pray for each other. It is so comforting to have friends to pray for you! Some of our closest moments are spent with hands clasped together in prayer with (and for) each other.


I finally got through with end-of-the-year testing! It is such a relief to have that behind me. Now I just have to read The Oddysey by Homer and do about 20 or so math lessons, and I will be completley done for the year!! I cannot wait till I can enjoy summer (even though it doesn’t feel like summer right now with all the rain!). It will be so fun to be able to hunker down and read some good books, ride the horses, and relax.


We planted a vegitable/herb garden in the backyard last week! It will be so fun to eat our own, homegrown, and extreamly fresh veggie’s! We also got 7 rose bushes and a pink dogwood tree for our special flower garden.

We chose these plants in particular for a reason. My Uncle Scott (from my dad’s side) who died 2 years ago had the most beautiful rose garden. It had every kind of rose you could think of! My Grandpa Wally (who was also from my dad’s side and died 2 years ago) had a GORGEOUS Crate Myrtle  in his back yard. Everyone had said “There’s no way that will grow here, it’s to hot and dry!”, but my grandpa found a way. He grew a Crate Myrtle tree an Arazona! It amazed everyone. Now, Crate Myrtle trees don’t grow in Wadsworth Ohio because of the frost, so we got the closest thing to it, a pink Dogwood tree. We are going to plant the roses in a “Circle” around the dogwood, then put a bench under it, and have an entrance under a nice arch covered in Morning Glories. Doesn’t that sound great?


Well, gotta go. It is my grandma’s birthday and we are celebrating with a steak dinner made by my dad. YUM!