I Would Read 500 Words (And I Would Read 500 More…)

If you’ve ever had to edit the sludge pile of your own first draft, you know the pain of that underlined statement above. Every writer struggles with their craft at some point or other, and I’ve personally lost count of the times I’ve lamented my decision to become a writer. It’s a rough life style, draining emotionally, mentally, and physically – something that those outside the profession don’t often understand. But this week, I’d like to help my fellow writers out.

Those of you that have been around here long enough will have noticed the recent addition to Cross Country Gal – the new Editing and Tutoring page. What does this have to do with helping out the frantic, red ink bleeding writers out there? Well, I just so happen to be offering my services for free over the next week.

Proclaimers Week

When:  Sunday (2/12/14) – Saturday (2/22/14)

Where: In the comfort of your own home. Or school. Or favorite coffee house nook. Anywhere with internet and your handy lap-top.

What: You select the service you believe most helpful to any of your written pieces (manuscripts, essays, anything currently residing in your “SOS” pile). I will perform the specified service on 500-1,000 words for you, free of charge. The only thing I ask in return is that you share this post through your various forms of social media, tagging my Author Page so that I can verify. I then ask that upon my completion of your submission, you leave a review of my performance on either the above Facebook page, or the Editing and Tutoring page here. That’s all there is to it!

How: Send your 500-1,ooo word segment (preferably as an MS Word document) and selected service to Hannah Stewart at dragonkissedfiend@gmail.com with “Proclaimers Week” as the Subject, along with any special requests.

Bonus: If you include a link to the song referenced in this post with your email, I will up the offer to 1,100 words.

Note: All documents I receive for editing will be deleted from my computer upon your acceptance of the returned document, to guarantee safety for your works. Your works are yours, protected under Copyright, and Heaven take me if I use them dishonestly.